space space

Adam Rebottaro

Designer and Artist:Adam Rebottaro

Published games

Sentinels of the Multiverse2012Christopher Badell
Adam Rebottaro
Paul Bender
Greater Than GamesBoard BoardgameMonkeys (DE), (DE), ReichDerSpiele (DE), Spieletest (DE)19.12.23 In print
Sentinels of the Multiverse: OblivAeon2016Christopher Badell
Adam Rebottaro
Paul Bender
Sentinel ComicsBoard  16.05.16  

Games published as artist

Sentinels of the Multiverse2012Christopher Badell
Adam Rebottaro
Paul Bender
Greater Than GamesBoard BoardgameMonkeys (DE), (DE), ReichDerSpiele (DE), Spieletest (DE)19.12.23 In print

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