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Luding Privacy Policy1. GeneralLuding takes the privacy of your information very seriously and acts in compliance with data security laws. Information Luding processes are either pure technical or personal, i.e. they refer to identifiable persons. Personal data is only collected in as much as needed to fulfil its purpose. These data is never sold or delivered to third parties unless the purpose rquires it. The following explanation provides an overview on how we protect your data and what data we collect for which purpose. 2. Automatically registered data2.1 WebhosterThe webhoster of Luding saves automatically information in his server logs that your browser provides. These are:
These data cannot be used by Luding to identify persons. No combination of data with other sources is done. Analysis of data is only done for providing an error free website and to technically improve our services. 2.2 CookiesThe website of Luding does not use cookies. Only if a reviewer is looged in a session cookie is used to recognize him being logged in. 2.3 Analysis toolsAnalysis tools like e.g. Google Analytics are not used. 2.4 Social mediaPlugins of social media services like e.g. Facebook or Twitter or not used. 3. Personal data3.1 GeneralThe websites of Luding provide information on board games, card games, role play games and other like without collecting personal data. In case of writing an email to Luding your personla data will only be used to contact you. The basis for data processing is your consent per Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO. Your data is only stored as long as the purpose you provided them for is given. They are not delivered to any third party. Luding has taken measures to provide a reasonable level for protecting your data. Following, we describe in detail which personal data we collect and for what purpose we use them or we deliver them to. 3.2 Account for reviewersAs a reviewer you can link your reviews to Luding. To do so you get a reviewer account from Luding. In this case you provide your name, your valid email address and the url of your website that publishes your reviews. Your name and email address is only used for communication with Luding. The url of your website is published in the list of reviewers. Also, the url of your website is basic part of the link to your review. So it is published as well with the game your review refers to. 3.3 Address informationLuding gives the authors and publishers of games the opportunity to provide an address information to contact them. This is processed based upon their consent per Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO. As there is a public interest in knowing at least a minimum of contact information (e.g. website) the processing is based on Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. e DSGVO. 4. RightsYou have the right to get a cost free information of whether personal data of you is stored on Luding. If so you can get information on the data itself as well as the purpose they are stored for and the duration of storage. You have the right to correct, delete, restrict the processing of and file an objection on the processing of your data. You also have the right to file complaints with regulatory authorities. 5. ContactResponsible for the privacy policy is Frank Gartner. For all kind of information or inquiries to our privacy policy please use the contact information provided in the imprint. |