Luding Credits
Luding was transferred from Jörg Henrichs to H@LL9000 at the end of 2013.
As all of us at H@LL9000 and Luding work on this in our spare time, we depend
on information on the german, emglish and amrican gaming scene preferrably
in eletronic form. We like to thank all supporters:
first of all many thanks to Jörg Henrichs who was the heart of luding
for over 15 years, kept all data up to date and helped us tremendously in the process
of transferring Luding to H@LL9000. We hope he will support us from time to time by any problems.
Sun Microsystems
and the
Chair of Information
Systems, Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany, for making
Sun SITE Central Europe
available as Web server before transferred to H@LL9000. Of course, special thanks go to the Web master,
Fachgruppe Spiel, a group of game publishers in Germany, for
their financial support of the domain
luding.org before the transfer to H@LL9000,
idealo internet GmbH for the coverage of server costs from 2022,
Mario Boller-Olfert for creating luding and maintaining it single-handedly
for several years,
Stefanie Kethers, who organised the usage of
Sun SITE Central
Europe for luding and co-maintained luding from 1998 till 2003,
Christian Scholz, who designed the Luding logo and the original "look
and feel",
all publishers, game designers, web masters, and other gamers who email
me any game-related information. In particular, I also wish to thank
several publishers,
Bambus Spieleverlag,
Kronberger Spiele,
Lookout Games, and
Cheapass Games,
Rio Grande,
Fata Morgana
(in particular Urs Hostettler), and as well as
Spielbox online, one
of the biggest German games magazines,
for sending pictures and press information, and/or for allowing me
to use information, pictures, texts, etc. from their sites
by Andrea Harbke for sending in an incredible amount of pictures and
information about games
by Christian Hildenbrand, who regularly sends information and corrections
about games
Richard Heli, who has provided a
huge amount of information over the last years
everybody who sent and will send feedback, criticism, or new ideas with regard to the
new Luding design
and, of course, everybody who uses Luding!
If you feel we have forgotten someone, please send us an email to
luding< at > luding < dot > org