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Costruire i libri-gioco. Come scriverli, utilizzarli per la didattica, la scrittura collettiva e il teatro interattivo

Year:2004Picture of 'Costruire i libri-gioco. Come scriverli, utilizzarli per la didattica, la scrittura collettiva e il teatro interattivo'
Designer:Andrea Angiolino
Publisher name:Sonda
Price:EUR 13.00
Press info:The title means "Building gamebooks. How to write them and use them in teaching, collective writing and interactive theatre". The gamebook is a story that stops at the end of every paragraph: the reader has to make a choice and the story goes on at different paragraphs depending on his preferences. The author of this manual has been the fiorst to write a gamebook in Italy. He guides the reader at the discovery of gamebooks, analyzing their ancestors and giving a complete view over the Italian production (both original and translated from foreign languages). It also explains how to build a gamebook, how to use it in schools and libraries, how to use the mechanics with non-reading children and to stage an interactive theatre show, how to transform a gamebook ino a hypertext for computers and Internet.
Last modified:16.08.07

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