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Basic - West

Year:1997Picture of 'Basic - West'
Designer:Andrea Angiolino
Pier Giorgio Paglia
Stefano Pischedda
Marco Crosa
Publisher name:Stratelibri
Series:Basic Role Playing Game
Price:lir 19.000
Comment:more, but unmentioned authors were involved.
Press info:This is the first original Italian supplement for "Basic - Gioco di ruolo universale", the Basic RPG that Chaosium used as an introductory rule system for its games and that in Italy has been published as an indipendent game. This supplement is dedicated to the Wild West of cowboys, sheriffs and outlaws. It contains special rules for the setting, expecially about the character generation. Additional skills are provided: Tame Animals, Handle Explosives, Gamble, Drive Wagons/Charts, Drive Trains, "Lazo", Read/Write, Foreign Languages, Pilot Boats, Follow Tracks.

Detailed rules are also provided for firearms of that period, including the Gatling Gun machinegun, and for special combat situations such as firing at moving targets, saloon brawls with improvised weapons and shooting with two pistols at once.

The book includes notes about Wild West in the cinema. A rich historical section contains a chronology and notes on everyday life. Three adventures complete the module: "Cacciatori di taglie", "La grande rapina al Golden Express" and "Un lavoro pulito".
Last modified:10.01.07

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