space space


Jahr:1989Bild von 'Excalibur'
Autor/in:Julian Musgrave
Verlag:Wotan Games
Status:Produktion eingestellt
Anzahl Spieler:2-6
Spieldauer:4 Stunden
Informationen:BoardGameGeek (EN)
Ähnliche Spiele:Camelot (1989); Citadel; Julian Musgrave
Camelot (1989); Oriflam; Julian Musgrave
Beschreibung:Sharpen your sword, practice your looting and pillaging, King Arthur needs peace and prosperity knocking into his new subjects....

Excalibur, the second of the King Arthur cycle, brings you a brilliant recreation of life (and death) in Arthurian Britain. In Excalibur players are Sir Lancelot, Sir Gawaine or other major knights of the Round Table engaged in a struggle for power, glory and land. But victory will not be for the mad-dog warlord who tries to cut a swathe across the board. The feudal economy is based on a delicate balance between income from your estates and the cost of your retinue; whether to make existing manors more productive or hire new knights; whether to build castles for defence or churches to impress the king. Strategy, finesse and political acumen count as much as pure military might. Until you can sweep the others away, that is....
Material:Full colour playing board / 40 full colour manor cards / 3 sheets of counters: knights, men-at-arms, castles, etc. / 24 page rule book / dice / Counter tray.
Bild von 'Excalibur'
Letzte Änderung:11.04.10

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