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Circus Imperium

Jahr:1988Bild von 'Circus Imperium'
Autor/in:L. Ross Babcock III
Jordan K. Weisman
Sam Lewis
Verlag:FASA Corporation
Preis:US$ 20
Anzahl Spieler:2-12
Spieldauer:2 Stunden
Informationen:BoardGameGeek (EN)
Beschreibung:Circus Imperium, the game of speed and sand, blood and beasts, chases and crashes, guts and groaning, death and taxes.

Anti-grav chariots, pulled by snarling carnivorous beasts, careen around the Circus Imperium track, while the chariot drivers and gladiator sidekicks struggle for control of the chariots, and their lives.

Circus Imperium comes with two playing tracks. The larger, used on the best planets, includes a grand and beautiful three-dimensional skybox structure in the infield. The shorter track, used for shady dealing and quick-and-dirty action, includes no structures, but puts the fans close to the fast and nasty action.
Bild von 'Circus Imperium'
Letzte Änderung:23.01.07

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