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Thinking Man's Golf

Jahr:1972Bild von 'Thinking Man's Golf'
Autor/in:Frederick A. Herschler
Status:Produktion eingestellt
Serie:Sports Games
Anzahl Spieler:1-4
Spieldauer:1 Stunde bis 1½ Stunden
Beschreibung:Thinking man's golf, the fascinating board game featuring eightteen of the best golf holes in the country, is governed by the rules of golf. Each player has the scoring ability of a pro, but he must use the correct strategy combines with a little luck in making his shots if he wants to beat or match par.
Material:Kunststoffüberzogener Spielplan, Playchart, Distance Finder, Special Pencil, Scorecard, 2 Dice.
Letzte Änderung:25.02.07

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