space space


Autor/in:T. Ogrin
E. O'Dell
Englische Rezensionen:EZ
Regeln:RULES (EN)
Kommentar:Free game using Lego.
Pressetext:In the year AD 3500, humanity finally completed its quest to leave its home solar system. Groups of soldiers and colonists left for the nearest star systems, using the new invention of the Really Fast Drive. Going their separate ways, fifty starships left on their voyages to explore the universe.

These fifty groups of humans did not come in contact for approximately 11000 years. However, in AD 14746 they ran across each other in the star system of Arcturus VIII, and greeted each other with open arms, until they realized that both civilizations wanted the same planet for its valuable minerals, useful in the maintenance of the Really Fast Drives. A war broke out between the two groups of humans, sucking in the rest of the forty-eight original starship-civilizations which eventually were rediscovered during the course of the war across the galaxy.

To fight in this great war, the starship-civilizations were forced to design the most fearsome bio-genetically engineered soldiers humanity had ever seen. In 14989 the SpaceMen were born. Trained under the most gruelling conditions and forced to run the fitness trail at the local park at least twice* a day, the SpaceMen became the most violent, murderous death dealers in all of human history. So violent, in fact, that they have been known to shoot themselves in a battle frenzy.

The war rages on to the present day, AD 15250, with no civilization gaining the upper hand on another. Wars and skirmishes are waged over planets, solar systems, even entire arms of galaxies, yet no civilization dominates for more than several hundred years.

Now the task of commanding one of these great armies of SpaceMen is your mission. To quote 4th Aldonan Guard Commander, "The enemy must die, for if he does not, then he won't be dead."
Letzte Änderung:10.01.07

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