space space

Draco and Co

Jahr:Essen 2001
Autor/in:Bruno Faidutti
Michael Schacht
Serie:Blue Games
Anzahl Spieler:3-6
Spieldauer:½ bis ¾ Stunde
Englische Rezensionen:EFUN
Informationen:Faidutti (EN,FR)
Bezugsquellen:EFUN (EN)
Übersetzungen:Der König der Diebe (2001); Eurogames; Bruno Faidutti,Michael Schacht
Ähnliche Spiele:Die Tafelrunde (2000); Spiele aus Timbuktu; Michael Schacht
Pressetext:Everybody remembers King Arthur and the knights of the round table... but who remembers his evil cousin, Draco, king of rogues and bandits. Draco was the leader of the so-called «round table», a gang of brigands who scoured the kingdom's roads for loot and plunder. Every night, the bandits were meeting at the «repentant knight» tavern, sitting around the big round table who gave its name to the gang. Draco, so called because of his terrible breath, was divying up the loot. The heroes he liked most sat on his right, the unwanted on his left. With drink's help, all the gang members were trying to gain the favours of bandit king... and get a bigger part of the loot.
Letzte Änderung:10.01.07

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