space space

Spiele der Sub-Serie 'Great Battles of the American Civil War'

Bloody April1979SPIRichard BergKoSim 
Cedar Mountain1981SPI
Strategy and Tactics
David Bush
Jim Smith
Anthony Williams
Corinth SPI KoSim 
Drive on Washington1980SPI KoSim 
Guns of Cedar Creek Simulation Design IncorporatedRichard BergKoSim 
Jackson at the Crossroads SPI KoSim 
Pea Ridge1980Victory Games KoSim 
Red Badge of Courage2001GMT GamesRichard BergKoSim 
Strategy and Tactics
Terrible Swift Sword1976SPI KoSim 
Wilson's Creek1980SPI
Strategy and Tactics
Richard WrightKoSimS&T