space space

Now Boarding

Jahr:Essen 2018
Autor/in:Tim Fowers
Grafik:Ryan Goldsberry
Verlag:Fowers Games
Anzahl Spieler:2-5
Altersgruppe:ab 10 Jahre
Spieldauer:½ bis 1 Stunde
Deutsche Rezensionen:Brettspielabend, Brettspielpoesie, SpieletestNeu
Pressetext:Now Boarding is a real-time cooperative game in which you work together to fly a fleet of airplanes. You must deliver all the passengers to their destinations before they get too angry — and new passengers are constantly arriving! Upgrade your plane to fly faster and carry more passengers to handle the load. The twist: All players take all their turns at the same time! This allows for clever hand-offs of passengers. It's a whole new level of pick-up-and-deliver game.
Letzte Änderung:24.05.24

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