space space


Jahr:Essen 1999
Autor/in:Alan R. Moon
Grafik:Doris Matthäus
Verlag:Rio Grande Games
Preis:US$ 40
Anzahl Spieler:2-6
Altersgruppe:ab 10 Jahre
Spieldauer:1 Stunde
Deutsche Rezensionen:DB, DHK, DLZ, Mit80, Pöppelkiste, ReichDerSpiele, Spielphase
Englische Rezensionen:EBG, EFUN, Faidutti, WestparkGamers
Französische Rezensionen:Faidutti
Informationen:BoardGameGeek (EN)
Bezugsquellen:EFUN (EN)
Übersetzungen:Andromeda (1999); Abacusspiele; Alan R. Moon
Pressetext:The Planetary Union of the Andromeda galaxy wants wealthy traders from Earth
to invest in their economy, but they want to limit those investments. To
control such investments, they have allocated three orbiting economic centers
above each of their most important planets for development by Earth
interests. This keeps the strange Earthlings off their planets and also
creates competition among the many Earth companies interested in such
development. The Planetary Union hopes this competition will bring them even
more money for these investments as the Earthlings compete for the best
centers. To keep the Earthlings from conspiring amongst themselves to divide
up the economic centers on their own with secret agreements, the Planetary
Union requires that all trades be done under their watchful eyes. They also
have spies probing for such secret negotiations and will eliminate traders
who are caught in such activities.
Letzte Änderung:10.01.07

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