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In the Hall of the Mountain King

Jahr:Essen 2019Bild von ' In the Hall of the Mountain King'
Autor/in:Graeme Jahns
Jay Cormier
Grafik:Kwanchai Moriya
Verlag:Burnt Island Games
Anzahl Spieler:2-5
Altersgruppe:ab 12 Jahre
Spieldauer:1¼ bis 1½ Stunden
Deutsche Rezensionen:BoardgameMonkeys, H@LL9000, SpielKult, Spieletest
Übersetzungen:In der Halle des Bergkönigs (2021); Skellig Games,Burnt Island Games; Graeme Jahns,Jay Cormier
Pressetext:After years of exile, we can finally return to our ancestral mountain home. As Trolls, it's our duty to uncover the statues of ancient leaders and restore our kingdom to its former glory!
In In the Hall of the Mountain King you spend turns digging into the heart of the mountain or recruiting Trolls to join your workforce. By repairing the mountain, you earn glory and can take your place as the new King of the Trolls.

Letzte Änderung:25.01.21

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