space space

Underwater Cities

Jahr:Essen 2018Bild von 'Underwater Cities'
Autor/in:Vladimír Suchý
Grafik:Milan Vavroò
Verlag:Delicious Games
Anzahl Spieler:1-4
Altersgruppe:ab 12 Jahre
Spieldauer:80 Minuten bis 2½ Stunden
-Deutscher Spielepreis, Platz: 7 (2019)
-Gamers Choice Awards: Multiplayer: Nominees (2019)
Deutsche Rezensionen:BoardgameMonkeys, BrettUndPad, BrettspieleRunde, Brettspielgefährten, Brettspielpoesie, Fjelfras, H@LL9000, Mit80, RezensionenMillionen, RingboteOnline, SpielKult, SpieleAkademie, Spieletest, Spielstil, Spieltroll, ingame
Informationen:Wikipedia (DE)
Multimedia/Podcast:BrettspieleRunde (DE)
Übersetzungen:Underwater Cities (2019); Delicious Games; Vladimír Suchý
Pressetext:Three coloured cards are placed to the edge of the main board, resp. into 3 x 5 slots, which are illustrated here. These slots are also coloured. It is better for players to put cards into slots of the same colour. Then they can take both actions and advantages – the action depicted in the slot on the main board and also the advantage of the card. Actions and advantages allow players intake of raw materials, possibility of building and „upgrading“ city domes, tunnels and production buildings as farms, desalination device and laboratories on their own underwater area, move their marker on the initiative track, which is important for pla yer´s order in next turn, then activation of player´s A-cards and last but not least intake of the cards – the „special“ ones and also „basic“ ones for better decision possibilities during the game play. All of nearly 220 cards – special and basic – are divided into 4 types according to the way and time of use. Underwater areas are planned to be double-sided. These facts give players many opportunities how to achieve VPs and finally win.
Bild von 'Underwater Cities'
Letzte Änderung:07.02.21

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