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Dice Throne: Season One

Jahr:Essen 2018Bild von 'Dice Throne: Season One'
Autor/in:Nate Chatellier
Manny Trembley
Mind Bottling Games
Anzahl Spieler:2-6
Altersgruppe:ab 8 Jahre
Spieldauer:20 Minuten
Deutsche Rezensionen:SpielDochMal, SpielKult, Spieletest
Übersetzungen:Dice Throne: Barbar v Mondelfe (2021); Roxley,Grimspire; Nate Chatellier,Manny Trembley
Dice Throne: Kampfmönch v Paladin (2021); Roxley,Grimspire; Nate Chatellier,Manny Trembley
Dice Throne: Pyromantin v Schattendieb (2021); Roxley,Grimspire; Nate Chatellier,Manny Trembley
Dice Throne: Waldwächter v Kunoichi (2021); Roxley,Grimspire; Nate Chatellier,Manny Trembley
Pressetext:Each year, the Mad King hosts a tournament of champions with the greatest prize a hero could ever want: The Throne. Will you be the one bold enough to take it?
Dice Throne is a competitive or team-based dice rolling combat game with variable player powers.
Letzte Änderung:20.12.23

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