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Loot Island

Jahr:Essen 2017Bild von 'Loot Island'
Autor/in:Aaron Haag
Grafik:Mariano Ianelli
Verlag:What’s Your Game?
Anzahl Spieler:2-5
Altersgruppe:ab 10 Jahre
Spieldauer:½ bis 1 Stunde
Deutsche, GamesWePlay, H@LL9000, MikesGamingNet, Pöppelkiste, SpieleAkademie, Spieletest, WestparkGamers, WestparkGamers
Übersetzungen:Loot Island (2018); Pegasus Spiele,What’s Your Game?; Aaron Haag
Pressetext:1640 A.D. — a ghastly curse befell a beautiful island in the Indian Ocean. Soon, it was known that its dark magic would not only afflict whoever tried to take away anything from the island, but also haunt whoever even dared approach its coasts, making it the perfect location for pirates to hide their loot.
1902 A.D. — centuries later, pieces of ancient treasure maps were found by you and your fellow treasure hunters.
Do you have the correct pieces of the map? Do the other players have matching pieces to help you find a route to the treasure?
And...will you be able to get rid of the curse?
The player who finds the best balance between cooperating and competing, together with the right timing of actions, and a bit of luck, wins the game by having the most valuable treasures and breaking the curse of Loot Island!
Letzte Änderung:07.02.21

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