space space


Jahr:Essen 2017Bild von 'Sagrada'
Autor/in:Daryl Andrews
Adrian Adamescu
Grafik:Peter Wocken
Verlag:Floodgate Games
Anzahl Spieler:1-4
Altersgruppe:ab 14 Jahre
Spieldauer:½ Stunde
Deutsche Rezensionen:Ausgepöppelt, Bretterwisser,, Brettspielbox, BrettspieleRunde, Doppelspiel, Fjelfras, GamesWePlay, H@LL9000, MehrAlsSpielen, Mit80, Pöppelkiste, RezensionenMillionen, SpielDochMal, SpielKult, SpieleAkademie, Spieletest, Spielezar, Spieltroll, TequilasWelt, spielfreude
Übersetzungen:Sagrada (2018); Pegasus Spiele; Adrian Adamescu,Deryl Andrews
Pressetext:As a skilled artisan, you will use tools-of-the-trade and careful planning to construct a stained glass window masterpiece in the Sagrada Familia.
Players will take turns drafting glass pieces, represented by dice; carefully choosing where to place each one in their window. Windows have unique color and shade requirements, and similar dice may never be adjacent so placing each die is more challenging than the last. Fortunately, you’ll have just the right tools to help you through. Gain prestige by adapting to the preferences of your fickle admirers, and of course, by adding your own artistic flair while completing your glass masterpiece in Sagrada.
Letzte Änderung:13.07.18

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