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Arkham Horror: The Card Game

Jahr:Essen 2016Bild von 'Arkham Horror: The Card Game'
Autor/in:Nate French
Matthew Newman
Verlag:Fantasy Flight
Serie:Arkham Horror
Anzahl Spieler:1-4
Altersgruppe:ab 14 Jahre
Spieldauer:1 Stunde bis 2 Stunden
Auszeichnungen:Gamers Choice Awards: Two Player: Winners (2017)
Deutsche Rezensionen:BoardgameMonkeys,,, RingboteOnline, SpielDochMal, SpielKult, Spielstil, spielfreude
Vorgänger:Arkham Horror: Das Kartenspiel (2017); Fantasy Flight,Heidelbär Games; Nate French,Matthew Newman
Pressetext:Arkham Horror: The Card Game is a cooperative Living Card Game® set amid a backdrop of Lovecraftian horror. As the Ancient Ones seek entry to our world, one to two investigators (or up to four with two Core Sets) work to unravel arcane mysteries and conspiracies.
Their efforts determine not only the course of your game, but carry forward throughout whole campaigns, challenging them to overcome their personal demons even as Arkham Horror: The Card Game blurs the distinction between the card game and roleplaying experiences.
Letzte Änderung:26.09.19

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