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The Grizzled

Jahr:Essen 2015Bild von 'The Grizzled'
Autor/in:Fabien Riffaud
Juan Rodriguez
Sweet Games
Anzahl Spieler:2-5
Altersgruppe:ab 10 Jahre
Spieldauer:½ Stunde
Deutsche, ERKLAERPEER, Fjelfras, GamesWePlay, GamesWePlay, H@LL9000, JurySdJ, Mit80, ReichDerSpiele, RezensionenMillionen, WestparkGamers
Übersetzungen:Les Poilus (2015); Sweet Games; Fabien Riffaud,Juan Rodriguez
Pressetext:The Grizzled is a cooperative game about survival in the trenches during the first World War where players win or lose together.
Each round, the current team leader will choose how many cards every player draws. Then, going around the table, players must either play a card in their hand or back out of the mission. Each card represents either threats to the team (such as mortar shells and weather conditions) or negative personality traits (such as frightened or obsessive). At the end of the round, more cards are added to the draw deck. The game ends only if the players can deplete the draw deck as well as their hands without letting time run out.
If one threat shows up too many times, the team fails the mission. The team must play their threats correctly in order to gain any progress. However, most of the information in a players hand remains secret throughout the game.
Planning, teamwork, and a little luck are the tools you'll need to win this cooperative game for two to five players.
Beschreibung:2nd August 1914 - In the main square of the village, a group of inseparable friends contemplate, incredulously, a General Mobilisation order, posted on the town hall. For several weeks, reading the news had become very worrying but the brutality of this announcement surprised everyone. Without having the slightest idea of the hell which they were about to be put in, they promised to stay together, to return whatever happened. Unfortunately, the reality that they were about to face would be completely beyond their worst fears.
Like literature and film, gaming is a cultural medium. Undeniably participative. There is no subject that can't be covered. Some are more difficult to cope with than others. Particularly the life of The Hairies (Les Poilus). Guided by the deepest respect we hold for the suffering endured by these men, we have worked hard to design and set this game with this in mind. In this collective madness, we have chosen to put them in front of their concerns, their daily fears.
The only way out for these men was their solidarity, their brotherhood, their ability to help themselves, to rescue one and all. Without ever addressing fighting, Les Poilus offers each player the chance to experience some of the difficulties experienced by the soldiers in the trenches. The atmosphere around the table will often not only be intense but emotional aswell. The path to victory will seem difficult but do not be discouraged. Press forward and experience the Great War!
Letzte Änderung:22.12.17

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