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Quest for the DragonLords

Edition:2Bild von 'Quest for the DragonLords'
Verlag:Dragon Lords Inc.
Serie:Quest for the DragonLords
Anzahl Spieler:2-4
Spieldauer:2 bis 3 Stunden
Deutsche Rezensionen:LoRP, LoRP, SpielMitMir, WestparkGamers
Englische Rezensionen:EFUN, WestparkGamers
Bezugsquellen:EFUN (EN)
Übersetzungen:Herrscher der Drachen (2006); Mad Man's Magic; Robert Johannessen
Vorgänger:Quest for the DragonLords (2002); Dragon Lords Inc.; Robert Johannessen,Jarmo Kaski,Sam Yip,Peter Wolf
Pressetext:The second edition of "Quest for the DragonLords" has been re-designed with all new graphics and changes to game play to deliver a much more intense gaming experience. The game is now available in German, French and Greek. The tale behind "Quest for the DragonLords" is inspired by many Norse mythology legends to provide a rich atmosphere and depth to the game. The fully coloured instruction manual is very organized to be more of a reference book than a rulebook. The gameboard has been completely redesigned with lush graphics to bring the adventure element of the game to the forefront. Companion cards allow players to hire heroes to help their quest parties overcome difficulties on the various quests. New prophecy cards allow players to interact with each other during quests. The prophecy cards give clues to players where powerful treasures may be found but they also allow players to provoke the various companions of the other players to betray their quest parties. There are 20 beautifully illustrated quest cards of drooling monsters and demons of darkness for your quest parties to overcome.

The manufacturing process has been improved from the first edition to provide highly detailed plastic miniature Orcs, Elves, Dwarves, Barbarians, Longships and DragonLords. Each player when in favour of the gods of power may gain mana which allows each civilization to gain completely unique set of spells for their Wizards.

Drawing on the legends of Norse mythology and the intense graphics provided in the second edition of "Quest for the DragonLords" - A Fantasy Game of Adventure and World Conquest provides a very rich atmosphere. If you are looking for a game to provide an evening of strategy and adventure for your favourite knights of the round table,

Quest for the DragonLords will be a feast for your friends.
Letzte Änderung:10.01.07

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