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Chaos Arena

Jahr:Nürnberg 2006Bild von 'Chaos Arena'
Autor/in:Steve Sic Evans van der Harten
Verlag:Chaos in Motion
Preis:EUR 45.00
Anzahl Spieler:2
Altersgruppe:ab 10 Jahre
Spieldauer:½ Stunde bis 2 Stunden
Deutsche Rezensionen:LoRP, Spieletest
Nachfolger:Chaos Arena (2006); Vendetta Games
Pressetext:CHAOS ARENA is a two player fantasy board game of SKILL, CARNAGE and SHEER BLOODY CHAOS where you take on the roll of MAGICK USERS in an all out duel to the death within the DECAYING and DEMON infested walls OF the CHAOS ARENA, floating FIVE THOUSAND FEET in THE fetid air. As a MAGE you are aided by a WARBAND of MERCENARIES and SLAVES to help you DESTROY YOUR ENEMY! To win you must simply... KILL THE OTHER WIZARD!

Chaos Arena is a tactical simulation of armed conflict (war) made within the great tradition of classic two player beat-em-up board games like chess and hnefatafl, but set in fantasy world (probably a disc). Chaos Arena has, unlike the static and linear chess, a random factor added to it. This takes the form of dice, chaos cards and a choice of spells to alter the flow of the game. Because during conflict - just as in life - nothing is static and linear. And so, while playing, you'll have to learn to change your tactics to suit the altered conditions of the game as it progresses.
Material:- rulebook
- full colour gameboard
- 104 cards
- 4 dice
- 12 arrow counters
- 24 playing pieces
- a tasty black pouch to put all the bits and pieces in
Letzte Änderung:14.12.23

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