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Jahr:Essen 2005Bild von 'Dividends'
Autor/in:Nikki Lim
Verlag:Fun Factory Games
Preis:EUR 33.00
Anzahl Spieler:2-12
Altersgruppe:ab 12 Jahre
Spieldauer:½ Stunde bis 1½ Stunden
Deutsche Rezensionen:GoodGameGuide, ReichDerSpiele
Englische Rezensionen:WestparkGamers
Pressetext:Dividends is a highly interactive game where players seek to make the most money from the volatile stock market through stock buying to earn dividend payouts or selling for profits. Success in this game is largely determined by a player's ability to make the most money from each stock purchase, while taking into consideration the effects of supply and demand on the stock prices.

The game requires players to strategize, yet has certain luck-based elements to keep even the most experienced players on their toes. These elements also ensure Dividends' re-playability, as seldom are any two rounds of the game alike.

Dividends has a 'moderate' level of difficulty and is best suited for those aged 12 years and above. On average, each game lasts from 30 to 90 minutes or more and can accommodate 2 to 12 players.
Material:1 Full-Color Detailed Rules
1 Full-Color Quick Rules
1 Gameboard
1 Stock Market Chart
3 Dice
5 Dividend Indicator Pegs
1 Game Token
180 Game Money
12 Player Turn Discs
24 Influence Cards
4 Event Tiles
50 Stock Certificates
5 Major Shareholder Tiles
5 Tile Markers
Letzte Änderung:10.01.07

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