space space

Viking Fury

Jahr:2004Bild von 'Viking Fury'
Autor/in:Ragnar Brothers
Verlag:Ragnar Brothers
Anzahl Spieler:3-5
Spieldauer:2 Stunden
Deutsche Rezensionen:DHK, DLZ, DasSpielen, GoodGameGuide, H@LL9000, LoRP, Pöppelkiste, ReichDerSpiele, RingboteOnline, SpielMitMir, Spieletest
Englische Rezensionen:EPE, Faidutti, WestparkGamers
Französische Rezensionen:Faidutti
Nachfolger:Invasions (2006); Asmodee; Gary Dicken,Steve Kendall,Phil Kendall
Pressetext:This is a game that spans the time of the Viking Sagas. The epic journeys that led Norsemen to raid, trade and settle over the known and unknown territories of the northern hemisphere. You will command your warriors and map out your strategy - only the strongest, most courageous and luckiest of you will triumph! So, do you feel lucky?

This new game will be released very soon and when it is, you the Reader will be amongst the first to be informed. The price is dependent on the final costing, but it will be competitive for a game that includes an A1 size cloth map, a deck of 4-colour cards and both wooden and plastic playing pieces. The 'run' is just 500 games, so it may be wise to state your interest early.
Letzte Änderung:10.01.07

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