space space

Rhumb Line

Jahr:2003Bild von 'Rhumb Line'
Autor/in:Martin H. Samuel
Verlag:Games Above Board
Preis:EUR 16.00
Anzahl Spieler:2
Altersgruppe:ab 10 Jahre
Deutsche Rezensionen:H@LL9000, ReichDerSpiele, Spielphase
Nachfolger:Rhumb Line II; Games Above Board; Martin H. Samuel
Kommentar:Kann auf der homepage beim Autor direkt bestellt werden.
Pressetext:Rhumb Line is an abstract strategy board game that is easy to get into. It only takes 15 minutes to play and fits into the corners of your life! The simple rules and a quick play time make it a great addition to any games locker. Players take turns placing nuggets on the board and score points for completing a row of either: 4 in a radius & a straight line from the center to the edge = 10 points, an arc & a curved line around the center = 20 points or, a spiral & a winding line from the center to the edge = 30 points. Play continues by alternating placing nuggets, 1 at a time, on the compass rose board and accruing points for completed lines. Points are marked on the board score tracks. There is an oddity at the end of Rhumb Line & players remove one of their pieces and, on their next turn, place it somewhere else on the board. It is pure strategy, there is no luck factor at all & a game of observation, tactics, placement and point accumulation with a twist in the tail to turn the tide and rule the waves! For two players age 10 and over & played with 17 sailor blue and 17 officer yellow nuggets & with velour bag included. A notepad & pens format is also available. Due to the curvature of the earth, the shortest distance between 2 points is no more & no less than the nautical term & Rhumb Line.
Material:1 Block
2 Farbstifte
Letzte Änderung:10.01.07

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