space space


Jahr:Essen 2001
Autor/in:Michael Lasher
Preis:DM 100
Anzahl Spieler:2-6
Altersgruppe:ab 8 Jahre
Spieldauer:2 bis 3 Stunden
Deutsche Rezensionen:H@LL9000, Topolino, WestparkGamers
Englische Rezensionen:EFUN
FAQ:WestparkGamers (DE)
Homepages:Homepage (EN)
Regeln:WestparkGamers (EN)
Varianten:WestparkGamers (DE)
Bezugsquellen:EFUN (EN)
Nachfolger:Globopolis (2002); GloBopoly; Michael Lasher
Beschreibung:Are you a Globopolist?
Do you practice Globopolism?
Can you Globopolize!?


An amazingly unique combination of all the elements you could ever ask for in a board game, and more.
The more is the logical basis for the rules which govern the world of Globopoly. It´s the background, the graphics, the multi-media CD Rom presentation of the rules included to substitute and support our rule book and simply everything which fans of Globopoly have so enjoyed about this complete reworking of the classic board game.

"Tomorrow´s World is Today´s Game!"

The comfortable world as humans knew it in the 21st century sustained life in tremendous abundance, despite the incessant strife among the various peoples making up its population of over 15 billion. They said it was just a matter of time when nature would once again play the roll of the Great Equalizer, and that she did.

Welcome to the world of Globopoly...
...a world of possession, resourcing, business, knowledge, intrigue, survival and outright Globopolism. A world which has endured major climatic changes, was thrown into anarchy, and where ultra-global competition and war are the order of the day.
Letzte Änderung:10.01.07

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