space space

The El Grande Expansions

Autor/in:Wolfgang Kramer
Richard Ulrich
Grafik:Doris Matthäus
Verlag:Rio Grande Games
Serie:El Grande
Preis:US$ 24.95
Anzahl Spieler:2-5
Altersgruppe:ab 12 Jahre
Spieldauer:1½ Stunden
Deutsche Rezensionen:FAIRspielt, GamesWePlay, GamesWePlay, ReichDerSpiele, SpielMitMir, SpielMitMir, Spieletest, Spielphase, Spielphase
Englische Rezensionen:EBG, EFUN, EFUN, EFUN, ER, ER
Informationen:Wikipedia (DE)
FAQ:Pöppelkiste (DE)
Bezugsquellen:EFUN (EN), EFUN (EN), EFUN (EN)
Übersetzungen:El Grande: König & Intrigant (1997); Hans im Glück; Wolfgang Kramer,Richard Ulrich
El Grande: Großinquisitor & Kolonien (1997); Hans im Glück; Wolfgang Kramer,Richard Ulrich
Enthält:El Grande: Grand Inquisitor & the Colonies (1999); Rio Grande Games; Wolfgang Kramer,Richard Ulrich
Pressetext:This product contains supplemental material for the El Grande game. To use this material,you must have a copy of El Grande. The material offers you three new ways to play the game. In Intrigue & the King, each player has 18 or 31 cards that replace the action cards from the basic game. Before the game begins, each player chooses 13 cards to be his action/power deck for the game. The players use these cards instead of the action and power cards in determining turn order and special actions. Grand Inquisitor & the Colonies adds four new regions, the Grand Inquisitor, and new action cards to support these additions. The new action cards are in two new stacks, giving players seven options on each turn instead of the five from the basic game. By combining the two, you can play The King & the Colonies. In this game, you use the action/power cards from Intrigue & the King, and the new regions, the Grand Inquisitor, and the new action cards supporting them from Grand Inquisitor & the Colonies.
Letzte Änderung:16.08.07

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