space space

Lost Cities

Autor/in:Reiner Knizia
Verlag:Rio Grande Games
Preis:US$ 19.95
Anzahl Spieler:2
Altersgruppe:ab 10 Jahre
Spieldauer:½ Stunde
Auszeichnungen:Gamers Choice Awards: Two Player: Winners (2000)
Deutsche Rezensionen:AEIOU.DE, BoardgameMonkeys, Brettspielbox, DB, DCLIQ, DLZ, DSK, FAIRspielt, GoodGameGuide, H@LL9000, MikesGamingNet, Pöppelkiste, ReichDerSpiele, SpieLama, Spieletest, Spielphase, Spieltroll
Englische Rezensionen:E2P, EBGWS, EFUN, ER, ES, Faidutti
Französische Rezensionen:Faidutti
Homepages:Homepage (DE)
Bezugsquellen:EFUN (EN)
Übersetzungen:Lost Cities (1999); Kosmos; Reiner Knizia
Pressetext:For the daring and adventurous, there are too many lost cities to seek and explore. The search can take you to the Himalayas, the Brazilian rain forest, the ever-shifting sands of the desert, ancient volcanoes and to Neptune&rsquos Realm. Of course, one cannot go everywhere with limited resources so the players must choose which expeditions to begin and which to leave to others. Those with high confidence may have the opportunity to up the stakes: increasing the rewards for success, but risking more should the expedition fail. The player who finds the right balance will have successful expeditions. Too many expeditions will put a strain on limited resources and yield failure. Too few may guarantee success, but not victory!
Letzte Änderung:10.01.07

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