space space


Autor/in:Sid Sackson
Verlag:Rio Grande Games
Preis:US$ 29.95
Anzahl Spieler:2-5
Altersgruppe:ab 8 Jahre
Spieldauer:½ Stunde
Deutsche Rezensionen:DB, DHK, DLZ, FAIRspielt, GamesWePlay, GoodGameGuide, Pöppelkiste, SpielMitMir, Spieletest
Englische Rezensionen:E2P, EBG, EFUN, EFUN
Bezugsquellen:EFUN (EN), EFUN (EN)
Übersetzungen:Samarkand (1998); Abacusspiele; Sid Sackson
Pressetext:This is a fast-paced game set in the exotic East. Sparkling jewels and valuable carpets promise large gains, but copper and grain can also earn important profits. All merchants know where they can trade with Nomads and what goods they have available for those who are willing to offer gifts for their hospitality. They also know where to buy the wares they want for the best prices. Finally, these merchants know which bazaars in cities such as Samarkand or Isfahan offer the best prices for the goods they have to sell. The merchants know which desert paths to use to travel amongst the nomads, oases, and cities and so can plan their trips to be efficient and earn the largest profit for their travels. Plan your routes with profits in mind for not all cities want all goods. The biggest profits go to those with the patience to acquire a large supply of an item before selling. The first player to amass 500 Piasters is the winner!
Letzte Änderung:10.01.07

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