space space

Edison & Co

Autor/in:Günter Burkhardt
Grafik:Franz Vohwinkel
Verlag:Rio Grande Games
Preis:US$ 39.95
Anzahl Spieler:2-4
Altersgruppe:ab 12 Jahre
Spieldauer:¾ Stunde
Deutsche Rezensionen:Spieletest, Spielphase
Englische Rezensionen:EFUN, G@mebox
Bezugsquellen:EFUN (EN), EFUN (EN)
Übersetzungen:Edison & Co (1998); Goldsieber; Günter Burkhardt
Pressetext:The players are inventors at the Edison Company where they work in teams of two to influence the outcome of driving tests for new vehicles. Players try to get their favorite vehicles to the high scoring spaces on the track at scoring time. In this unique movement system, each player controls only a portion of the movement on each turn. But the partnership can manage much better than their 50% share of control by good strategy and teamwork. The team that works best together will score the highest and win the game!
Letzte Änderung:10.01.07

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