space space

Tarralan's Traumland

Year:1991Picture of 'Tarralan's Traumland'
Designer:Paul Bennett
Publisher name:Jumbo
Status:Out of print
No. of players:2-6
Age:10 years and up
Duration:1½ hours and more
German reviews:Spielphase
Translations:The Key to the Kingdom (1990); Waddingtons Games; Paul Bennett
The Key to the Kingdom (1991); Golden Games; Paul Bennett
Contents:1 Spielplan
2 Wasserwirbelringe
6 Brückenteile
6 Abenteurer
1 König
1 achtseitiger Würfel
48 Ausrüstungskarten
30 Monsterkarten
6 Schatzkarten
6 Kartenhüllen
Last modified:10.02.07

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