space space


Year:Essen 2003Picture of 'Schwarzarbeit'
Designer:Friedemann Friese
Andrea Meyer
Publisher name:BeWitched Spiele
Status:In print
Price:EUR 14.00
No. of players:3-5
Age:10 years and up
Duration:40 minutes
German reviews:H@LL9000, SpielMitMir, Spielphase
English reviews:EFUN
Online shop:EFUN (EN), ORDER (DE), ORDER (EN)
Comment:3 to 5 players age 12+ are honest employers in the game scene and try to blacken the names of the moonlighters their fellow players are mean enough to employ during the weekends.

Since you have two or three skeletons (i.e. moonlighters) in the cupboard, too, you should strive to be the one who blackened the names of the highest number of other employers? moonlighters. Because this is what really counts! However you should prevent blackening the names of honest employees, because that is surely expensive! And maybe your colleagues will even make money out of your mistake, when they ? of course only due to their care for social welfare ? help these poor creatures by offering them their lawyers? advice. So, if you are not too sure about who is who, you might want to legally employ some people first and pay high taxes. The government will love you for that. If you don?t want to do so, you should use your private eye at the right moment to definitely make you fellow players happy ...
Contents:66 Karten:
  - 60 Arbeitnehmerkarten
  - 5 Läden (Spielecafé, Spielearchiv, Spieleladen, Spieleverlag, Spielefabrik)
  - 1 Karte "Ich-AG"
10 Anwälte (Holzwürfel) in fünf Farben
5 Privatdetektive (achteckige Steine)
1 Spielregel
Last modified:09.01.07

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