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Länderbahnen Expansion Set

Year:Essen 2002Picture of 'Länderbahnen Expansion Set'
Designer:Han Heidema
Publisher name:Winsome Games
Status:In print
No. of players:2-8
Duration:1 hour to 4 hours
Online shop:EFUN (EN)
Comment:maintheme: formation of the German Railways 1835-71

Adds 10 railways + 2 southern maps + 1 eastern map to the Länderbahnen Basic Game.

Game kit that requires cutting
Contents:1 SouthWest Game Map
1 SouthEast Game Map
1 NorthEast-East Game Map
7 Color coded sheets of ten Basic Railway Stock shares, each with one
Director's share and nine standard shares
3 Color coded sheets of twenty Grouping Railway Stock shares, each with one
Director's share and nineteen standard shares
24 25DM (one sheet)
24 5DM (one sheet)
24 1DM (one sheet)
Last modified:10.01.07

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