Wings of War - Famous Aces
Jahr: | Nürnberg 2004 |  |
Autor/in: | Andrea Angiolino Pier Giorgio Paglia |
Grafik: | Dario Cali Vincenzo Auletta |
Verlag: | Fantasy Flight Nexus Editrice Mad Man's Magic |
Status: | Lieferbar |
Serie: | Wings of War |
Preis: | EUR 20.00 |
Kategorie: | Gesellschaftsspiel |
Anzahl Spieler: | 2-4 |
Altersgruppe: | ab 10 Jahre |
Spieldauer: | 20 Minuten bis ¾ Stunde |
Auszeichnungen: | Gamers Choice Awards: Historical Simulation: Nominees (2005) |
Deutsche Rezensionen: | GoodGameGuide, H@LL9000 |
Englische Rezensionen: | EFUN, Faidutti |
Französische Rezensionen: | Faidutti |
Informationen: | Pöppelkiste (DE), Spielepizza (DE,IT) |
Homepages: | Homepage (EN) |
Bezugsquellen: | EFUN (EN) |
Pressetext: | Wings of War is an exciting new game series which merges card and board game mechanics to recreate, in a simple but accurate way, aerial combat in the XX Century. The first series of Wings of War games will focus on the "knights of the air" age, World War I, with an accurate portrayal of the abilities of the fighting planes of this period.
Airplanes are represented by a single card which is used as a playing piece on any open surface; the players choose and play simultaneously movement cards to decide the actions of the airplane they control. Different planes use different decks of movement cards to represent their different maneuver capabilities, and different deck of "Fire" card are used to take into account their fighting effectiveness and to keep track of damage. Simple to learn, fun to play, infinitely expandable, Wings of War is a series which will appeal to gamers of all ages.
Each Wings of War set is a complete game for 2 to 4 players which may be combined with more copies or with additional sets of the same series to play larger games.
The "Famous Aces" set includes 22 fighters: the Spad XIII, Albatros D Va, Sopwith Camel, Fokker Dr1, Sopwith Triplane used by aces like Baracca, von Richtofen, Rickenbecker, Fonk. |
Material: | 1 deck of 22 plane cards 4 decks of movement cards 1 deck of combat cards 2 rulers 36 counters 5 cardboard consoles A set of game rules 1 additional promo card for "Wings of War - Watch your back!" |
Bemerkung: | "Wings of War" läßt auf einfache Art und Weise die Luftkämpfe des Ersten Weltkriegs wieder aufleben. Dabei werden die Flugeigenschaften der Kampfflieger dieser Zeit genau berücksichtigt.
Jede Schachtel enthält ein vollständiges Spiel für 2 bis 4 Spieler. Mehrere Schachteln der Reihe können kombiniert werden, um mit mehr Spielern und in größeren Szenarien zu fliegen. |
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Letzte Änderung: | 02.07.08 |
Link zu dieser Seite: | https://www.luding.org/cgi-bin/GameData.py/DEgameid/15611 |