Jahr: | Essen 2002 |
Autor/in: | Corné van Moorsel |
Grafik: | |
Verlag: | Cwali |
Status: | Lieferbar |
Preis: | EUR 20.00 |
Kategorie: | Gesellschaftsspiel |
Anzahl Spieler: | 2-4 |
Altersgruppe: | ab 10 Jahre |
Spieldauer: | ¾ Stunde |
Deutsche Rezensionen: | DHK, FAIRspielt, H@LL9000, Pöppelkiste, ReichDerSpiele, Spielphase, Topolino, WestparkGamers |
Englische Rezensionen: | EFUN, Faidutti |
Französische Rezensionen: | Faidutti |
Bezugsquellen: | EFUN (EN) |
Nachfolger: | O Zoo le Mio (2003); Zoch; Corné van Moorsel
Pressetext: | Attract the most visitors into your zoo! At the start all players have a zoo entrance building and money to invest. You invest in new parts of your zoo. Those zoo parts are tiles with: - paths - areas with animals divided in 5 types: sea animals (blue), apes (orange), other mammals (yellow), reptiles (grey), birds (red) - eventually trees Everytime when you build a part of your zoo you see if you attract new visitors. You attract visitors by big zoo areas for types of animals, by getting many trees in your zoo and by paths on which visitors can walk loops through your zoo. You place these visitors (wooden figures) IN your zoo on the places where you attract the visitors. To hold your visitors you must invest again and again to compete the other zoos. If others invest better, your visitors go away to the other zoos! |
Material: | 4 Sichtblenden 1 Fahnenmast 4 Flaggen 25 Zooplättchen 4 Eingänge Spielzettel 35 Münzen 35 Figuren |
Letzte Änderung: | 10.01.07 |
Link zu dieser Seite: | https://www.luding.org/cgi-bin/GameData.py/DEgameid/14227 |